As many of you are aware, It has been eleven years since I lost my brother Le, to Guillian-Barre syndrome. From this tragedy, I started The Breadwinner’s Foundation. The Foundation helps those that lose a breadwinner in the family, and need help to pay basic bills, as they transition through their loss.
Last month, I had heard of a local family that was behind on their rent and electric because the mother was ill, and had lost her job and benefits. Within approximately ten days, we put together a fundraiser for the family. Word quickly spread thoughout our community that a family needed help. Over fifty people came to the fundraiser and many more that couldn’t make it sent in checks. We raised enough money to pay all of the families back rent, and electric. We were able to pay a few months rent ahead, and still have enough money give them to buy a Christmas tree, and a few gifts for their children.
In today’s impersonal and financially challenged world, it is too easy for us to look the other way when we see people in need. It was uplifting to see a community come together to help out a family. It was truly an “IT’S A WONDERFUL LIFE” moment.
On behalf of myself, my family and my staff, A happy, healthy and prosperous New Year to all of you and your families!
Keith J. Ahlers